I just drove from DFW airport in Dallas to Lake Whitney almost two
hours south to attend a private fundraiser being conducted by
none other than Stephen Pierce.
This place is in the middle of nowhere!
Now I'm pretty good with directions, but I have a confession to make.
Since my iPhone 3G has GPS built into it, I decided to use it.
As a result, I found my way to my destination without any problems.
Would I have found my way without the GPS?
Yes, I'm sure I would have.
BUT, there are two important things to note.
First, having the GPS made it much easier to navigate. I didn't
have to fiddle with maps or wonder where the next turn was coming
And second, it was more fun making the trip!
You know, business is kind of like that.
If you try to do it without a map... without direction... you may
just find success.
BUT, if you have a plan of success from those who have gone before
... if you know the right things to do and avoid making costy
... and if you want to have fun along the way...
You need a "Business GPS"
As of 12 noon EDT today, Rich Schefren is offering you an
opportunity to apply for a spot in his GPS... The Guided Profit
Two years ago, Rich Schefren personally coached a few lucky
individuals to multi-million dollar success...
The program demanded MAJOR commitment and was so intense, several
students couldn't handle it and dropped out.
But those who stayed in reaped MAJOR rewards, and continue to do so
to this very day.
However, the demanding structure of the program virtually sapped
every drop of energy from Rich, and it was a long while before we
heard anything from him.
And he swore up and down that he would never again offer a coaching
program like that.
Then things started to change in the marketplace...
More and more people began struggling with the same issues...the
same constraints...and the same roadblocks that kept them from
achieving the success they so rightly deserved.
People were screaming for solutions, yet there were none to be found.
Meanwhile, Rich had spent an entire year uncovering a breakthrough
system for crushing those barriers and skyrocketing business success.
So when the roar got to be too loud, there was only one thing left
to do...
The Guided Profits System is your GPS to success, helping you to
finally overcome those profit-blocking constraints and move your
business to the next level.
Rich is doing it again, with an in-depth coaching program that
blows away anything else on the market today.
Just like the first time, only a lucky few will take advantage of
the ultra-powerful, ultra-intense masterplan Rich has in store for
them. And a handful will undoubtedly succumb to the pressure.
I'm sure you're not one of them....are you?
This is an EXTREMELY rare opportunity to have Rich personally
rework your business from the inside out.
And if anyone knows how to do it, he does. After all, this is the
guy who:
--Wrote a Manifesto that changed the way we do business...
--Followed that with a series of groundbreaking reports that were
downloaded hundreds of thousands of times and shook the internet
marketing world to the core...
--Coached dozens of high-profile gurus to success, including Mike
Filsaime, Michel Cheney, Tellman Knudson, my self, and more...
--Pulled off a record breaking teleseminar with more all-star
marketers--and more listeners--than any other...
--Went 26 hours straight on an unprecedented web broadcast as more
than 27,000 viewers watched with fascination...
And there's more where that came from.
Needless to say, that's quite a resume. And now he's offering you a
chance to work with him personally?
Talk about a slam-dunk to business success.
Do yourself a favor--take a look at what Rich is offering.
Take a GOOD, LONG look. Because who knows when we'll see this again.
The guy's ingenious how he set this up. Go look for yourself and
you'll see what I mean.
Life live today!
P.S. - Don't worry about the price. Rich has made it easy for
anyone to get involved. Check it out and see at:
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