Saturday, September 27, 2008

Golden Thread Site Call

... on Thursday 2nd October at
12 Noon EST The Golden Thread Program
will be *unleashed* and there are now
14,291 people on the waiting list to get it!

(but only a tiny fraction of this
number will get their hands on
The Golden Thread)


Step 1. Join me TODAY for the LIVE
webcam Q & A show at 12 Noon EST;

(if you miss it you can watch the
recordings from that page)

Step 2. Watch out for an email from me
on Monday because;

- You're getting the exclusive chance
to join the *EARLY BIRD* list and get
your hands on The Golden Thread before
it sells out

- You're getting the special Golden
Thread report that explains *everything*
you need to know about this life-changing

- You'll see the in-depth video that
walks you through the entire
*mind-blowing* product so you can see
every last component that you're getting
inside your members area when you buy

See you on the LIVE show today
(12 Noon EST);


Michael Cheney

PS - You need to jump on that email I'm
sending you on Monday because you'll be
able to join the exclusive EARLY BIRD
list to get your hands on The Golden Thread
before everybody else!

PPS - You don't know what The Golden Thread
or Cash Cannons are about? You need to go
check out these Case Studies of *real* people
making *real big* amounts of money;

Authority Backlinks and PageRank

Not all links are the same - some carry more weight than others.
The backlinks with the most power come from sites Googles trusts.
It's the same in the real world... Which opinion would you trust
more? One from a stranger or one from your best friend?

After Google follows these trusted, high-quality links to your
site, you'll get even more traffic sent your way.

There is one video in Lesson 29:

you need higher authority backlinks and shows you how to use Market Samurai to get
them (including valuable .gov and .edu links.)

He also gives you a sneak peek of features coming to Market Samurai
over the next few months.

The video runs about 15 minutes.


The Thirty Day Challenge Team

400k in Marketing Earnings

A *rookie* student of mine just made $400,000.00 in a WEEK
...and is still going strong.

I just posted this video interview with them that shows everything
that happened.

This *just* happened this month (while everyone else was freaking out
over the "bad" economy.)

The best part is they're selling a $97 product that has NOTHING to
do with "marketing."

You can see their website, find out what they're selling, and see exactly
how they did it here:

(As you can imagine, I'm very proud of them :-)

Talk soon,

P.S. You'll find this to be very inspiring too. Especially when you see what they
started off with. (Tiny list, hardly any affiliates, and so forth.)

Plus - there's some good marketing advice in this video as well.

The production isn't "fancy" but the content is outstanding. (I thought
it was more important to just get this in your hands NOW.)

Here's the video.

Making a Decision on Niches

You've researched and bookmarked and tracked... maybe even tried your
hand at pay per click. Now it's time to take a look at the cold,
hard facts and decide whether or not to move forward with your niche.

The great thing is, you don't need to rely on gut feelings.
Analyzing the data will tell you what to do.

And if it turns out you need to start again - no big deal. Now that
you have 30DC skills under you belt, you can redo the whole process
in as little as 2 hours! You'll still have plenty of time to make
your first dollar before Day 30.

There is one video in Lesson 25:

TIME TO MAKE A DECISION - Ed shows you how to assess your stats and
decide whether to move forward with your niche. He also talks about
what you can do to increase your site's exposure. Ed also explains
what to do if it's time to move on to another market and stresses
that none of your effort has been wasted.

The video runs about 15 minutes.


The Thirty Day Challenge Team

Friday, September 26, 2008

Driving Traffic Video

You'll see how "ghetto" this is when you watch it:

...that's a promo video that Ryan Deiss made to promote
Eben Pagan's "Wake Up Productive" product that went on sale
a few hours ago.

The video is just under 3 minutes and it's an EXCELLENT example of
a quick, hard-hitting, and *effective* "affiliate" video.

And ANYONE can make a video like this (in 3 minutes) ...including

Seriously - this is all you gotta do:

Talk soon,

P.S. That's not my affiliate link. If you buy anything as a result of
watching this video, Ryan will get paid.

I don't care about making affiliate sales for this product. (I *do* recommend it, however).

I'm just showing you this video because it's a GREAT example of using video
to make sales as an affiliate.

P.P.S. I'm re-opening Mass Control (the *big* course) on September 29th.
Last time I offered it was in Feb ...and it sold out in just under 8 hours.

You can see the full sales letter here (which many say is one of the best sales
letters of all time):
Electronic Marketing Group, LLC 7660 Fay Ave H307 La Jolla, CA 92037

Jay Abraham Teleseminar

Without a doubt, the sharpest marketer I've ever
met is Jay Abraham...

After all, this is the same guy who's taken 10,000
different businesses--in over 400 different
industries--and helped them produce more than
$6 Billion dollars in additional sales and revenue.

Yeah, that's "billions" with a "B". Absolutely

Jay has the unique talent for spotting the key
leveraging point in any business--big or small--
and turning it into a massive profit windfall.

Most of us don't have that ability. And
unfortunately, we never will.

But there IS a sneaky little "back door" method
for  finding your leverage point. It's fast, it's
easy, and it works--every time.

And on Wednesday, September 24th, we're
going to reveal it to you in this special call.

Grab Your Spot Here

Join me and Jay as we focus on overcoming the
barriers that are blocking you from success, and
how clearing these hurdles can help you discover
the key leveraging point for your business...

In this exclusive "Constraint-Busting"
Teleseminar, we'll give you all the tools you need
to eliminate those walls and finally achieve the
wealth, freedom, and lifestyle you deserve.

Plus, we'll talk about some of our personal
constraints we've faced over the years, and how
we overcame them.

You won't want to miss this one--I assure you.

Grab Your Spot Here

By the way, if you thought my all-star guru call
filled up fast, you ain't seen nothing yet.

I'd get my place in line now if I were you.

Grab Your Spot Here

To Higher Profits,


P.S. If you want a sneak peek inside my new
Guided Profits System, then you MUST be on this

Because I've been keeping some tidbits about the
program under wraps. And during the call, I'll be
revealing them to the world.

This is KILLER stuff, so if you want to be the
first to know, then get registered for the call
right now.

Grab Your Spot Here

How to Monetize a Blog

Sometimes it happens: your new blog is not performing as well as
you'd hoped... What now?

First, this is a good thing! Most people new to online business
spend weeks toiling alone in a dark room creating a product or
getting their website just right only to discover their niche
doesn't have enough traffic to make them any money. Not you! Using
your ninja 30DC skills, you've saved yourself days (if not weeks!)

What's more, none of your effort has been wasted. You've built an
asset with real value. Your next task is to extract that value and
get it into your pocket.

Today, you'll learn how to turn lemons into lemonade.

There is one video and PDF for download in Lesson 26:

GETTING MONEY FROM YOUR BLOG - GuruBob talks about different ways
to monetize your blog. He explains Google Adsense, shows you how to
sign up for an account, get your publisher ID, and use the
Wordpress Direct service to integrate Adsense ads into your blog.
He also touches on other ad networks, eBay and the possibility of
selling your site.

AD AND CPA NETWORKS LIST - This is a downloadable PDF that lists
networks you can integrate into your blog.

The video runs about 25 minutes.


The Thirty Day Challenge Team


This email is never sent without permission.

You are receiving this email because you registered
to participate in the 2008 Thirty Day Challenge.

If you no longer wish to receive these valuable
emails from us, please see below.

Marillion Partnership, 13 Culloden Street,
Brunswick West, Victoria 3055, AUSTRALIA

Business Explosion Mastermind

Today is the last day for the generous discount
on my Business EXPLOSION Mastermind!

Apply today, and you'll receive 20% off what
has *already* been called a "complete no-brainer."

Spots are also quickly running out... so please
don't delay if you want to create a new $10k
income stream over the next 90 days alongside
myself and Rachel Rofe:

What can you expect when you sign up?

Well, one member has already experienced the
truly *invaluable* copywriting advice of all-star
copywriter Rachel Rofe.

Normally you would have to be one of her $5,000
copywriting clients to get that kind of advice...
but not with this mastermind!

We'll be on our first phone call Wednesday, Oct.
1st. During these calls, we will:

- Discuss the major sticking points in our business,
to get constructive feedback from the group

- Share successes, large and small, to help build

- Hold each other *accountable* to ensure rapid
progress towards our goals

You'll also get access to my best information
product creation training- at no cost!

To keep this a *true* mastermind, there are only
a TOTAL of 10 spots available- over half of which
have been spoken for.

Want to claim your spot now? Simply get full
details and fill out the brief application here:

Not sure about joining a mastermind? Download
Rachel's free guide to mastermind groups on that

All success,

PS- Don't forget that today is the LAST day for
the 20% discount... you won't find a better
mastermind group anywhere, let alone for this
price! Claim your spot today:

Are Yellow Pages Dead?

Do you remember this phrase...

"Let your fingers do the walking"

Does anyone use the Yellow Pages any more?

I think the printed pages are a tremendous waste of time, and
advertising dollars.

The Internet is clearly the new dominant resource for people who
are seeking out businesses and services.

But what about the people who are still trying to get attention by
using the Yellow Pages?

Can you say "opportunity?"

Thousands of local restaurants, contractors, shops and more are
desperate to have their own website and to build their business
using Internet technology.

You can help them AND make money doing so!

"Easy Offline Riches", the maverick product which "sold out" on the
Warrior Forum, gives you the tools to profit while helping people
make the transition from the Yellow Pages to the Internet!

Easy Offline Riches gives you a kit, and website that makes this
really easy to do. Everything you need to contact businesses, and
have them COME TO YOU is included. In fact, if you buy the product,
you can qualify to let Mark Lareau and his team do all the work for
you after you make initial contact.

This is a great opportunity and I invite you to check it out if you
can see yourself making money showing local business owners how
they can make the online transition.

Also, Joel Comm LIVE! takes place at 1 pm EDT (10 am PDT) TODAY, so
join me to get your online marketing questions answered at:

Do good stuff!


Get More Blog Traffic

If you've got a few blogs (or are planning to build
some), you'll want to check this out.

I just put together a few videos that show you some
*wicked* blog tactics. This will boost your results.

There is no product launch at play here. I just
whipped up these videos to help our members out
and though they would benefit you too.

Here's a teaser of what you'll uncover in these videos:

> The blog pruning technique -- gives more 'juice' to
your "A" blogs, gets better results

> The Darwinian effect -- once you understand this,
it's way easier to spend your time on sites that make
you more moolah

> The blog network map -- an easy-to-follow "big
picture" plan for building blogs that drive lotsa traffic

> Keyword sniper technique -- this is real easy to do,
but hardly anyone does it. Hint: Your blog is telling
you *how* to boost your rankings, but are you

You can go and watch the videos right now at this
page (no opt-in required):

Normally, these video are *only* seen by people who
have joined Syndicate Kahuna.

Syndicate Kahuna is our new fre.e service and it will
help you solve the biggest problem faced by bloggers

The response to Syndicate Kahuna so far has been

You can get more details and sign-up for Syndicate
Kahuna here:

P.S. - Based on the mountain of great feedback I
received on these videos, I will be creating more of
them. If you'd like to be notified the minute these new
videos are ready, be sure to sign-up for Syndicate
Kahuna and you'll be on the list.

I hope you enjoy these videos like the thousands of
people who have already watched them.

More good stuff to come.

Jason Potash
Co-founder of Comment Kahuna

Transform your web business

As you know, sometimes I have a lot of fun with my

I love to throw in the occasional light-hearted
comment and bring a smile to your face. Helps to
alleviate the pressure of running a successful
business--for both you and me.

However, this is not one of those times. In fact, this
is one of the most serious messages you will ever

Because right now, your business future literally lies
in the balance. And I want to help.

Let me explain...

After being practically absent from the Internet
marketing community for the past year, I've been
lured back by perhaps the most powerful shortcut
to explosive profits I've ever come across.

This extraordinary strategy has delivered maximum
profits in minimum time for everyone who's applied

Its power to transform businesses is simply awe-
striking--and I'm not the only one who's noticed...

Seems like every time we've attempted to share
more information on this breakthrough concept,
we've been completely overwhelmed by the number
of people who scramble eagerly to hear every word.

So what does it all mean?

Simple--YOU GET IT.

You GET the fact that things like talent, knowledge,
and commitment can only determine the potential of
your success, but not the level...

You GET that it's really your constraints--not your
potential--that determine how truly successful you
can  be...

You GET that these constraints--be it one or several--
are the only thing that's currently holding you back
from  becoming a household name in your niche...

And you GET that you'll never take that huge profit leap
--the one that's going to put you over the top once and
for all--until you eliminate these constraints.

So how do you do that exactly?

It's easier than you think.

And it's right here...

With the Guided Profit System, you and I will join
together to zero in on every constraint that's standing
between you and your much-deserved success...and
blow them to smithereens.

This intense, no-holds-barred training will be unlike
anything you've ever experienced.

You'll have unprecedented access to me and my
resources, going deeper into the inner sanctum
than anyone (even some of my guru pals) have ever

We'll be spending a LOT of time together--every day
for an entire month for starters--to make sure we
identify your biggest constraints and take immediate
action to push them aside.

Then, once we have the roads cleared, I'll take you by
the hand and guide you on the easiest, most hassle-
free path to achieving success in your specific field.

Isn't that what you really want?

What I'm looking for is a few good entrepreneurs who
aren't willing to settle for anything less than becoming
a smash hit in their respective business.

And they're ready to achieve that success RIGHT NOW.

Is that you?

Make the move. Take that step. Plug into my GPS
Coaching Program today when we go live at 12 noon

And together, we'll take on your biggest roadblocks,
tearing them to pieces and opening a clear path to the
wealth...the freedom...and the lifestyle you've always
dreamed of.

Will you join me?

Can't wait to start working side-by-side with you...

To Higher Profits,


P.S. Once you get inside my GPS Coaching Program,
I guarantee you'll be thinking, "Why didn't I do this ages

I'll tell you why--because I stopped doing live
coaching programs. They drain me to the core.

But once I saw the magnitude of the constraint issue...
once I saw how it affected not just a handful of
entrepreneurs, but virtually EVERY Internet business
out there...I had to do something about it.

And thus, the GPS Coaching System was born.

I can say this much, though--you won't be seeing
anything like this from me ever again.

I'm pouring my time, my money, my energy, and my
heart and soul into coaching you to success.

And anyone who takes advantage of this program
will have 100% access to everything I can offer--
and more.

It's a rare opportunity to work hand-in-hand with me
and finally break through the barriers that are holding
you back.

And chances are, when it goes live at 12 noon today,
it'll the last time.

Are you in or out?

Get Website Exposure

Today is all about increasing your blog's exposure in your niche.

You've already found a few key phrases that bring in traffic.  Now
it's time to build out your list.  With your new phrases in hand,
you'll add more keyword-focused content  to you blog.

More keyword phrases lead to more blog pages which means more
exposure to your niche.  The result?  More traffic!

There are two videos in Lesson 27:

GET MORE KEYWORDS - GuruBob explains how to build out your keyword
list using Market Samurai.  He shows a method for drilling down
into your category to find lower tier keywords that can bring you
more traffic.

AUTO CONTENT CREATION - Ed shows you how to add content to your
blog over time and get ranked for your newly found keywords using
the auto content and manual posting features of Wordpress Direct.

The videos run just under 30 minutes.


The Thirty Day Challenge Team

Traffic Fusion Free

Yes, you heard me right.

16 people will be getting my Entire
Traffic Fusion package for Free.

And those that already have it, will get something
even better.

Read on...

Rich Schefren is about to open the doors to a Program
that will change your life.

(It did mine.)

It is what even "Jay Abraham" said he recommends
everyone of his clients get involved in.

...but, before we talk about Rich, let me
explain my Bonus and why I am offering it.

You see. Last week, about 1000 people
got their hands on Traffic Fusion.

They paid $1497 now and $249 every
6 months.

So why am I going to give you Traffic Fusion
and waive the $1497 activation price and
STILL include:

- Butterfly marketing 2.0 Software $2997 Value
- Traffic Fusion Case Study Videos
- HyperJava Software $5000 Value
- The 7 Figure Code $1297 Value
- My Coaching Program (i5gold) Archives $7000 Value
- And nearly all my products and top Memberships

...oh, and if you ALREADY paid for Traffic Fusion, I will
refund you $500 off your purchase and waive your $500
annual fee for life!


Let me explain...

Here is why I am doing this.

Rich's program changed my life. If I was not getting
on a place to Chicago right now, I would have been
in my 7000 Sq Ft office showing you the empire
that I have built with 4 offices world wide
and over 50 people on my team helping us reach

...8 Figure Business this year... Or close to it.

Yes, I am a determined person.

Yes, I was in the right place at the right time.

Yes, at times I got lucky.

Yes, I was able to meet some of the right people.

But any successful person will say the same things.

One of the most important factors was getting
*involved* with my mentors.

I have about 5 people I credit to my online success.
And Rich Schefren is One of them. Case Closed.

Now, you may see me Rich and I as buddies now.

The truth is, Rich and I have become friends.

Actually, Rich once called me his BFF. (Just Kidding)
But we talk almost every other day for hours and
while now it seems Rich asks me for just as
much advice as I do him, I can tell you this, he
is one of the people I go to when I need a breakthrough.

In 2005, I paid him almost $10,000 over 1 year to
work with me 1 on 1.

In our VERY FIRST talk, he was able to identify my
"Constraint" and I was able to overcome it and go
from $800,000 that year to 4.5 Million the next.

What my constraint was is not what was important.
It was that I did not know it, and Rich was able
to spot it for me on our first talk.

What is important is, if you can eliminate *yours!*

It can be different for everyone.

Can he do the same for you?

Well, THAT is what he promises....

AND - So - Much - More.

HOLD ON... Do not click yet....

The bottom line is.

I believe very much in the Ability for Rich
to help you eliminate what is holding you
back and get you to where you want to go.

All I know is Rich as helped a lot of people
over the years go to the next level....

Sometimes what seems over night.

He wants to challenge YOU.

He wants to know if YOU are ready.

I have just seen him do so many good things
for so many good people. Some of them
are even the leaders in our industry.

**** That is why I am putting my best
product out there for the next 16 people
to get for F R E E.

Now, This is not a $97 ebook. Nor is
it a $497 or even a $997 program.

(Heck, I would not give my best stuff
away if it was even the same price.)

Rich's program is not cheap. So that
is why I am going to reward you with
"Every Thing I got"

Now, you do NOT have to pay $10,000
like I did. You pay a fraction of

So if you want to get my Traffic Fusion F R E E
and not pay the $1497 and get all this:

- Butterfly marketing 2.0 Software $2997 Value
- Traffic Fusion Case Study Videos
- HyperJava Software $5000 Value
- The 7 Figure Code $1297 Value
- My Coaching Program (i5gold) Archives $7000 Value
- And nearly all my products and top Memberships

Simply go to the site below.

(And if you paid for it. I will waive your
$500 annual license fee for life and rebate you
$500 off your traffic fusion price right now.)

So here is what you do.

#1 - Wait for the site to go live 12 PM EST

#2 - Click on my link before you buy.

Remember, if you click on any other partners link,
I can not offer you my bonus. (Fair)

#3 - But the program before he sells out.


Rich will give me ALL ORDERS in 72 hours AFTER
he closes the sale. And then I will email you
access to ALL THIS.

If you do not hear from us with 3 days
of AFTER HE closes the offer, email:
"Michelle Galvin" <>

# 5 - You get Rich's program and My Traffic Fusion Free.
(you still need to pay our annual license fee
of $0 today and $249 every 6 months for hyperjava)


If you already own Traffic Fusion, send your
receipt for Rich's Product and Traffic Fusion to
"Michelle Galvin" <>
with your PAYPAL EMAIL address and we will rebate
you $500 off your Traffic Fusion Bonus and
we will cancel your $249 every 6 months license
fee if give you f r e e life time access.

So that is it..

Change your life for the better.

Take control. Follow steps 1 - 6 now and get started!


Mike Filsaime

PS - This is for the first 16 people only. Period.
I have a STRICT license limit. We had 16 refunds
for Traffic Fusion and I am offering you THOSE
peoples License for Free.

I only have 16. Once the 16 go, so does this
offer. Since I control the link you click, if
the site loads, you still have time. If I sell
the 16 bonuses, I will redirect my link to
a SOLD OUT Bonus Offer page.

See if there are any left:

Joel Comm gets Lost with GPS

I just drove from DFW airport in Dallas to Lake Whitney almost two
hours south to attend a private fundraiser being conducted by
none other than Stephen Pierce.

This place is in the middle of nowhere!

Now I'm pretty good with directions, but I have a confession to make.

Since my iPhone 3G has GPS built into it, I decided to use it.

As a result, I found my way to my destination without any problems.

Would I have found my way without the GPS?

Yes, I'm sure I would have.

BUT, there are two important things to note.

First, having the GPS made it much easier to navigate.  I didn't
have to fiddle with maps or wonder where the next turn was coming

And second, it was more fun making the trip!

You know, business is kind of like that.

If you try to do it without a map... without direction... you may
just find success.

BUT, if you have a plan of success from those who have gone before

... if you know the right things to do and avoid making costy

... and if you want to have fun along the way...

You need a "Business GPS"

As of 12 noon EDT today, Rich Schefren is offering you an
opportunity to apply for a spot in his GPS... The Guided Profit

Two years ago, Rich Schefren personally coached a few lucky
individuals to multi-million dollar success...

The program demanded MAJOR commitment and was so intense, several
students couldn't handle it and dropped out.

But those who stayed in reaped MAJOR rewards, and continue to do so
to this very day.

However, the demanding structure of the program virtually sapped
every drop of energy from Rich, and it was a long while before we
heard anything from him.

And he swore up and down that he would never again offer a coaching
program like that.


Then things started to change in the marketplace...

More and more people began struggling with the same issues...the
same constraints...and the same roadblocks that kept them from
achieving the success they so rightly deserved.

People were screaming for solutions, yet there were none to be found.

Meanwhile, Rich had spent an entire year uncovering a breakthrough
system for crushing those barriers and skyrocketing business success.

So when the roar got to be too loud, there was only one thing left
to do...

The Guided Profits System is your GPS to success, helping you to
finally overcome those profit-blocking constraints and move your
business to the next level.

Rich is doing it again, with an in-depth coaching program that
blows away anything else on the market today.

Just like the first time, only a lucky few will take advantage of
the ultra-powerful, ultra-intense masterplan Rich has in store for
them. And a handful will undoubtedly succumb to the pressure.

I'm sure you're not one of them....are you?

This is an EXTREMELY rare opportunity to have Rich personally
rework your business from the inside out.

And if anyone knows how to do it, he does. After all, this is the
guy who:

--Wrote a Manifesto that changed the way we do business...

--Followed that with a series of groundbreaking reports that were
downloaded hundreds of thousands of times and shook the internet
marketing world to the core...

--Coached dozens of high-profile gurus to success, including Mike
Filsaime, Michel Cheney, Tellman Knudson, my self, and more...

--Pulled off a record breaking teleseminar with more all-star
marketers--and more listeners--than any other...

--Went 26 hours straight on an unprecedented web broadcast as more
than 27,000 viewers watched with fascination...

And there's more where that came from.

Needless to say, that's quite a resume. And now he's offering you a
chance to work with him personally?

Talk about a slam-dunk to business success.

Do yourself a favor--take a look at what Rich is offering.

Take a GOOD, LONG look. Because who knows when we'll see this again.

The guy's ingenious how he set this up. Go look for yourself and
you'll see what I mean.

Life live today!


P.S. - Don't worry about the price.  Rich has made it easy for
anyone to get involved.  Check it out and see at:

Willie Crawford Inspiration

Just last week I was able to interview
a true marketing master, Willie

Willie was kind enough to introduce me
to Douglas Goodey, who has an incredible
story... that I'd like to share with
you today!

Known as the 20 Million Dollar Man,
Douglas Goodey has just launched his real
life story of rags to riches, and it
will knock your socks off.

Not only did he start from extreme poverty
and go on to earn millions, but at the
age of 65, he ended up facing
bankruptcy and with a $4.5 Million


$4.5 Million Debt at retirement age.


But It's What Happened Next That Makes
Him Truly Exceptional.

Between the ages of 65 to 75 he
not only cleared that debt, but went
on to earn $20 Million, and today, at
the age of 80, he's sharing with the
world exactly how he did it, and what
it took!

Be Inspired

You can't afford to miss this.

It's not everyday that you will get the
opportunity to learn from someone who's
really been there and done it, not just
once... but twice over!

Everyone is raving about his his
product and you can see for yourself
what people are saying as well
as find out what all the fuss is
about right here:

Be Inspired

Now is the time to get your hands
on his amazing life story while he has
it priced at an incredibly low launch
offer price.

I don't want to tell you too much
about it here, or the superb bonuses
that he is offering with it, but I
will say this much...

If you've been struggling to make any
real money online, want to know the
secrets that takes someone from poverty
to millions... or even from debt to millions...

Then you really have to do yourself a
favor and take a look right now!

Read His Story

I recommend you don't miss reading
a single word about his new product
or his offer, as it really can transform
your life, give you the motivation and
inspiration you need and teach you what
it takes to become a millionaire.

Learn What It Takes

This might just be the best move
you make this year!

Be Inspired,


P.S. Willie also told me about a
special bonus for the first 250
people who order... you will
live call which you are NOT going
to want to miss!

I just got my copy (it opened up
a minute ago... time to get yours:

Get Your Copy


Frank Kern Bonus War

You're in the middle of a classic "bonus war" right now
that's happening with Rich Schefren's affiiates.

Here's his site:

Anyway - bonus wars can be annoying but they can also be
profitable for YOU because affiliates like to give away the farm
just so they can rank well in the contests.

And that's great because you get to pick and choose
from all kinds of cool free stuff.

I'm not promoting as an affiliate today. I have no bonuses and that's
not my link. It's a "naked" one.

And let's be honest here. We both know I haven't bought Rich's
product because I GET IT FREE ANYWAY.

Obviously all us "guru types" give each other our stuff so the other
guy will endorse it.

So is it any good? I have no idea. I haven't seen it yet because
it's being delivered by Rich LIVE over the Internet.

(And my time machine is broken - therefore making it physically
impossible for me to jump into the future and review the product :-)

Anyway - I've *always* benefitted (sp?) from Rich's stuff. Always.

And you can bet I'll be paying attention when class starts.

So here's his site.
If it isn't sold out by the time you get this,
have a look at it and then grab a cool bonus through someone's

Talk soon,

P.S. Mass Control (the BIG course) opens back up on Monday the 29th.
You can read all the crazy stuff about Mass Control (good, bad, and ugly)

Quickie Profits Tour Video

QuickieProfits will stop taking new members
at 10:00pm eastern time tonight, 9/25.

I will keep the order page up until then.

As you may have read, I have a limit on the
number of members in order to keep it
exclusive and to be able to provide good

Since I have a personally moderated forum
and call-in days, it involves my personal
time.  It's not like I can just deliver more
eBooks :)

If you've got a web business, this site will
help you.

Yours in success,

Jeff Mulligan

P.S. You can take a video tour here: LLC, PO Box  190, Amherst, NH 03031, USA

Time Management

I'm in Texas today - meeting at Stephen Pierce's house
outside of Dallas. Russell Simmons and George Foreman
are dropping by for a little fundraiser.

Then I'm off to speak at an event with Russell Brunson
and Stu McLaren...

Then to Chicago to meet with 200 top Internet Marketers
to talk, brainstorm, mastermind and party a bit too :)

One of the guys I'm going to see is Eben Pagan.

He's a master of time management - and one of the guys
who I look up to and model because he's spent years
figuring out how to work less and get more done.

If you're frustrated with how much you work, and
how little you get DONE, then go watch this
video now:

Go here

Inside, you're going to learn about a rather
strange time management secret (that works
INCREDIBLY well)... that NO one knows or talks

After you watch the video, then read THIS:

See it here

If that's not the best way to learn how to
manage your time and get more done, then I
don't know what is.

I'm going to go through the program myself, and
I think you should join me.

I hope to see you there!


Creating Blog Authority

Today's focus is solidifying your position in your niche.
As you build out your blog and continue to develop your new
business, being an authority in your niche becomes very important. 
The best way to build authority is by building quality backlinks to
your site.

As more sites link to you and your authority increases, Google
see your blog as increasingly valuable and sends you even more

There is one video in Lesson 28:

GET MORE LINKS USING MARKET SAMURAI - GuruBob shows you how to use
Only Wire and takes you through creating your account and using the
service effectively.  He also introduces a brand new Promotion
feature of Market Samurai.  It will help you find relevant Squidoo
lenses, Hub pages, Weebly sites, forums and blogs where you can
leave quality comments to build backlinks to your site.

The video runs under 20 minutes.


The Thirty Day Challenge Team

Paris Hilton and Me

Imagine the scene..

.. you and Paris are in LA together walking along
Rodeo Drive when suddenly paparazzi start manicly
swarming around you from all sides ...

... but they're NOT shouting for Paris,
they're shouting for YOU;
Hey mate, give us a smile!"

Fiction? The land of make believe?

You could be living the life of the rich
and famous. You just need to unlock the
key to the SERIOUS MONEY that is being
made online. (see below)

TONS of regular people are doing this
*under the radar* right now such as
this guy ...

... I just interviewed him for you and
he's UNHEARD of, is in a foreign country,
is in a weird-ass niche and yet, despite
all that, he's sucked in $110,469 in 10 hours.

 [ using "Cash Cannons" ]

Now *that* is Paris-Hilton-style money!

You want to know how he did it? You
can check out the full Case Study
(for FREE) here;


Michael Cheney

PS - You want to earn "Hilton-style" amounts
of money online? This guy did it and he's
unknown, lives in a foreign country and
did it OUTSIDE the internet marketing arena;

( he made 6 figures in 10 hours! )

Eben Pagan Exposed

I am here in Chicago. I hunted down Eben Pagan
just for YOU.

I had to get in "bed" with him, "literally"
to get him to work with you...

See the free video here...



PS - His site comes down on Saturday because his
class starts on Monday so please try to watch now.
(c) 2008, Inc.

BRAND NEW- Be the first to see. Mike Filsaime's NEW

Now Open Again...

Take Your Next Vacation with me and Top Marketers

Empower Your Affiliates Now...

Get your free website graphics - I made them for you.

Here is a list of every tool I use to run my business.

Don't Have a List? Why Not?
Get one Today at

Need an Army of Affiliates?
Then you need

Increase sales by 50% with one line of code.
Want PROOF? Watch this...

Start Building Your Community

Need Content... Have Content... Want Traffic!

See what others say before you even THINK of making
another purchase for a product online

See What I am Doing now:

Here Is A VIDEO Of How I Built My Online Business?

Strategic Profit Systems

We're about 36 hours into the launch of my Guided
Profit System coaching system and it's been
absolutely phenomenal.

If you haven't seen what it's all about, there's more
info here.

But I gotta admit--I have mixed feelings today...

First of all, I'm ecstatic that hundreds of people
are finally seeing that constraints are holding
them in chains, just out of reach of the success
they desire.

And I'm very happy they've chosen to let me do the
hard work of snapping those chains by storming in
with a hacksaw known as the GPS coaching

But at the same time, there's a sense of sadness

Because I want as MANY people as possible who
are struggling with these same issues to take
advantage of my program.

But I simply don't have the time or the resources
available to let tens of thousands inside. I can only
take so many and still deliver the high quality
program you deserve.

And that's where I'm a little stuck today.

Because the number of constraint-breakers who
have signed up in the last 36 hours is truly blowing
me away. In fact, we're VERY close to the point of
maxing out the program--well before we thought we

So I just met with Brian, Chris, and the rest of the
Strategic Profits team. And we've decided to pull the
page down at midnight eastern tonight.

That's only a few hours away.

Will we open it back up? Maybe...maybe not. I really
don't know right now. We need to reevaluate the
situation this weekend and go from there.

But what I DO know is that we won't have the page
up for very much longer.

Not because we don't want to--but because we
simply CAN'T and still deliver what we promised.

You see the dilemma I'm in?

So here's the bottom line...

If you're reading this message right now, you may
still have a chance to get inside. It's a slim chance,
but one just the same.

So if you're thinking, "It's okay--I'll sign up later".
That's not a good idea.

Because there's a very good chance you'll be
staring at a closed door that says: "No Admittance--
Members Only."

Get what I'm saying here?

I urge you--if you're waiting to pull the trigger on the
GPS program, don't wait another minute.

Because at midnight tonight, it's going away.

To Higher Profits,


P.S. A few of you have asked if this will be
available later. And my answer is a definite NO,
not on this scale.

Because of the personal interaction and daily live
feeds, we can really only pull this off once. And
as you probably already know, I just don't do
coaching programs anymore.

So this is truly a rare chance for a select few to get
inside access to me and my team. And it most
likely will never happen again.

Grab your slot now before someone else does.

.Please click the link below to unsubscribe from future emails
from Strategic Profits.

Strategic Profits
100 NE 5th Ave
Delray Beach, FL 33483

Delivered By Infusion Software

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Automated Website Content

Website content wizard is impressing all corners of the internet
and marketing world. Send a blog into overdrive automatically
read on for more info;

If you are looking to increase your affiliate income and Adsense
revenues, then one of your main strategies must be to add good
relevant content to your web sites, blogs and forum posts.

I programmed Website Content Wizard so that all you do is...

Set it up. Click publish. Let Website Content Wizard do the rest!

It will change everything you thought you knew about writing fresh,
new content for your site, blog, podcast, newsletters, autoresponders
and article submissions.

   * Create thousands of brand new, unique articles, posts, special
reports, ebooks, newsletter articles, autoresponder content
   * Rewrite existing articles in seconds
   * Merge excel spreadsheet data with text to produce hundreds of
one-of-a-kind, unique articles on any topic you choose
   * Export content into flexible text files so you can quickly use
them in any way you want
   * Dominate Your Niche On The Internet
   * Never worry about Duplicate content filters again
   * There is no limit to the number of articles Website Content
Wizard can write or rewrite
   * You have full control over the rewriting process - there is
no guessing how your articles will look
   * Comprehensive Synonym and Thesaurus database that grow as you
use Website Content Wizard

Click Here To Discover More Website Content Wizard Information

Website Content Wizard is another fine Website Wizard product.
At Website Wizard we create Software that enables you to
market your websites on the Internet without shelling out
Big Bucks to hire Professionals to do the work for you.

I am so sure of my Website Content Wizard that if you can't
create well-written articles with my new software or if my
software doesn't do what I say it does, I will refund your
purchase price, 100% Guaranteed!

Click Here To Discover More Website Content Wizard Information

Best of Success,

David Watson
The Wizard of Websites

Check out these great Website Wizard products!

* Website Article Wizard
Build large content rich web sites in minutes!

81 Preston Road, Wembley, Middlesex HA9 8JZ, UNITED KINGDOM

Friday, September 19, 2008

Wordpress Template Deal

I am about to officially launch Our goal is
to change the way marketers are used
to buy themes and templates on the Internet:

Currently, "good templates" are
- expensive
- not up to current trends
- not up to current visitors behaviors
- heavy, not CSS based, full of
tables and almost impossible to edit
- not modern

Web20-templates themes and templates are:
- cheap
- up to latest trends, modern, light
- fully CSS based (100% table-free)
... and of course action driven and aimed
at enhancing your visitors experience.

I started this project 10 months ago,
I hired designers and coders full time,
and they ended up producing 600
templates as well as the  e-commerce platform.

Needless to say that the investment
required to complete such a project
is quite large (just imagine how much
3 designers / coders cost on a monthly basis,
and multiply this figure  by 10
to get an idea of the investment). Not to brag,
but just that you know those are not
some quickly and poorly designed resell right themes
we're putting together here... It's just top
 and exclusive quality produced
by professional designers and coders.

I had not planned to launch this project
among the Internet Marketing
community, since it's not an
IM-like product / service.

But, I finally thought that needs
for quality premium wordpress
themes (as well as for top html or php
premium templates) are also shared
among the IM community. So, here it is...

Right now, we have developed
40 premium themes.

All themes are available:

- in 5 color variations (meaning
you get 200 different templates)

- and for the following platform:
Wordpress (fully widdgetized, and 2.6+
compliant), HTML, PHP

To celebrate our grand opening,
you get everything for 1 low price...
200 templates x 3 versions  for
the price of what 1 should cost.

BTW, if you have no idea how much
such themes are worth, just pick
one of your choice above, and ask
for a quote to a designer to produce
such premium themes in 5 color variations,
fully widgetized - you will
see that we have many boxes and
sidebars - with the matching html
and php versions. Meaning he will
quote you, not just for 1 theme / template,
but for 15 themes / templates!

If you're lucky, you could get some
interesting quotes in the
$1000-1500 range, but most of them will
be in the $1500-$2500 range
(if you wanted a custom made theme
as the one I provide through

And you're not even sure he is a
talented designer yet...

I don't want to hype you  since
it's not an IM related
product :-)

But I want to be sure that you
appreciate this deal to its
full extent.

I also don't want you to scare you :-)
You might already imagine
that you would have to pay $697 to $997
to grab the whole collection...

But it's not even close to that...
(although the retail price of
the whole collection will
be more than $2,000 in a few days)

This is a real special offer and
we might close it
at any time

Have a nice Sunday

PS: once you put your hands on
this collection,  you will get
your own affiliate link
to start promoting it and
recovering your investment
almost instantly!
(you get a 50% commission)

PPS: Last minute bonus...
You will get a list of the 1000 most
popular and pro*fit*able niches
at no extra cost. Immediate download
after payment is completed.

Rue du vieux college, Eysins, Vaud 1262, SWITZERLAND

Wordpress Direct Traffic

You are well on your way to getting free traffic with WordPressDirect.  BUT - if you want to get the results we advertise, then you MUST follow our recipe

Our system will send you emails to make sure you don't forget steps in the recipe once you setup a website.  If you follow them, you will get traffic.

To get a rich background on all the techniques, we encourage you to take the Thirty Day Challenge if you have not done so yet.

First, a warning: don't just throw up a blog and start posting content using the software.  You will get your site banned from Google and thus get NO traffic.


Before you get started, you have to do a few things;

1. BEFORE you setup your first site, please review the video lessons in the Thirty Day Challenge materials from Day 2 Training and particularly the SEO Competition lesson from Day 3 Training.

Keyword selection, as well as bookmarking and other promotion tasks are critical to your success.

Ed Dale deftly boils the problem down, and you will get the best results following those methods.

2. Once you determine your audience and your keyword phrases using Step 1, write a short article using your own words by using the techniques at;


Please save the article as you will need it for the next step.

3.  Setup your first site and publish the article following the steps shown in the Day 6 Training.

More training videos on using WordPressDirect are available at the How It Works section

Have fun setting up your first site, and thanks for being
a WordPressDirect member!

Starting a Website

In the previous lesson, I talked about the importance of having your own website, and we went through the process of registering a domain name.

Now it's time to take the next step toward getting your website up and running...

View Lesson #24 Here...

It's a step that all internet marketers must take if they want to have a successful website.

It also involves a choice.

The problem is, there are good ones and bad ones... and you don't want to choose a bad one. So I hope you'll take a moment to check out this lesson to make sure you're on the right track...

View Lesson #24...

Be on the lookout for Lesson #25, and as always-- please post your questions and comments on the blog.

Have a great day!


Eric Holmlund
Eric's Tips

Rhodes Brothers Unleashed

BOOM - I was NOT expecting that!

The Rhodes Brothers absolutely unleashed their
best forum list building tips- I don't think
they held anything back!

I was especially impressed by the simple
formula they use to build a list, develop a
relationship, and sell with ease- month after

You can get the full 70 minute recording right

Rhodes Brothers Recording

If you would like to learn more from the
Rhodes Brothers, you can get one month free
access to their members-only blog here:

We also have a VERY special call today!

Rob Toth will be my guest. If you've never
been exposed to Rob's up-tempo, absolutely
razor sharp marketing mind, then this is a call
you want to hear live!

Rob actually put together Instant Forum
Profits for me... I trust his marketing
instincts that much.

Rob has helped me add thousands of subscribers
to my list, and generate hundreds of sales
using very simple, easy to implement

And he's sharing them with you for the cost
of a few minutes of your time!

You can get on the live call at 2:00pm EST

LIVE Call With Rob Toth!

The recording will also be available there
immediately following the call.

Thanks, talk to you soon!

All success,

Instant Media LLC
12550 Biscayne Boulevard Suite 500
North Miami
FL 33181
United States

Noble Samurai Keyword Offers

We've just uploaded a video revealing (for the first time ever)
details on 3 modules that are yet-to-be released inside Market

Plus, some significant improvements to an existing module.

PLUS - we reveal a new "Mystery Feature" that will be added to
Market Samurai, as a special unannounced bonus - exclusive to all
Market Samurai purchasers.

To be the first to find out about these new features, visit:

Finally - If you haven't secured your copy of Market Samurai yet,
there are just 36 hours left until you lose the discounted $87
special (at 11:59pm Pacific Time, tomorrow):

Once this offer is gone, that's it - we'll be concentrating all our
effort into looking after our existing customer base, improving
Market Samurai's existing functionality, and launching the new
Market Samurai features.

So if you don't already own Market Samurai, there are just 36 hours
remaining before you miss out on this final $87 discounted offer.

- Brent

Brent Hodgson

Noble Samurai, Level 1, 234 Whitehorse Road, Nunawading, Victoria 3131, AUSTRALIA

Duplicate Content Explained

* Myth #1: Content is King

Wrong! Unique Content is King! If you have the same content as
everyone else, Look Out! Google, Yahoo, and MSN are furiously
upgrading their duplicate content filters. When they do, we will
see a repeat of the devastation, we saw earlier as thousands of
your valuable, hard-wrought web pages disappear once more...

* Myth #2: You have to write your own articles or rewrite every
PLR article you have by hand.

We both know if you had to -- you wouldn't.

If your goal is to put up 10 sites a month with 50-200 pages a site,
my calculator says you would wear out your keyboard before the
month was up.

If you are a gifted writer and love nothing more than sitting
in front of your computer, pecking away at your keyboard until
two in the morning, good for you.

* Myth #3: Hire a Ghostwriter to make unique content

What does a regular writer know about writing content that:

1) Search engines will love to rank high
2) Makes sense to the people reading it

With all due respect to the hard-working writers out there, but this
is an important skill set. Those who know keyword research and good
copywriting are rare. They charge a premium for their services.

*Myth #4: Time to give up and go back to pumpin' gas

As the programmer of my hot-selling Website Article Wizard, I made
quite a name for myself, and a small fortune, taking articles and
using Website Article Wizard to make the pages look unique to the
search engines.

Not only that, but what if you could take ONE article and rewrite
it 100 times in 14 seconds? Take the 50 PLR articles you have and
turn them into 5,000 articles? All unique. All high quality.

You could easily dominate your market!

So this is not the time to give up. This is the time to Take Action!

Click Here To Discover More Website Content Wizard Information

Website Content Wizard is another fine Website Wizard product.
At Website Wizard we create Software that enables you to
market your websites on the Internet without shelling out
Big Bucks to hire Professionals to do the work for you.

I am so sure of my Website Content Wizard that if you can't
create well-written articles with my new software or if my
software doesn't do what I say it does, I will refund your
purchase price, 100% Guaranteed!

Click Here To Discover More Website Content Wizard Information

Best of Success,

David Watson
The Wizard of Websites

P.S. Remember Adam, that you are making this purchase at
absolutely no risk as you are protected by my amazing money--
back guarantee. So grab this while you can!
If Website Content Wizard isn't everything you were expecting,
simply notify me within 60 days and I will refund your money

Check out these great Website Wizard products!

* Website Article Wizard
Build large content rich web sites in minutes!

81 Preston Road, Wembley, Middlesex HA9 8JZ, UNITED KINGDOM

Instant Forum Profits Teleconference

If you didn't catch the live call with Rob Toth...
it's worth your time!

He gave some very SPECIFIC strategies that you
can implement right away to get traffic,
generate opt-ins, and make SALES starting today!

You can hear the recording right here:

Did you miss any of the calls? The MP3s are all
available now. You just have to visit the live
event page for each recording. I will also be
following up within 10-14 days with transcripts
for you.

Download the PDF schedule with all listings

Have you enjoyed this event?

I sure have!

I thought it was a powerful event that gave
real, proven strategies for growing your
business with forum marketing.

That's the kind of feedback I've gotten from
others as well... so if you'd like to share
this event with others who might benefit,
please visit the affiliate page to see how
you can get paid 100% commission for the
irresistible One Time Offer:

Your friends, list members, and blog readers
will thank you!

All success,

PS- Even though this event is over, I have
another gift I'd like to share with you...
keep an eye out tomorrow!
Instant Media LLC
12550 Biscayne Boulevard Suite 500
North Miami
FL 33181
United States

Entrepreneurial Emergency

Finally got some sleep, and I'm back in the saddle
again, reading over some of the feedback from my
newest report, "The Uncertainty Syndrome:
Entrepreneurial Emergency"...

And frankly, I'm surprised by something that keeps
popping up...

(This will make more sense if you have the report,
so go here and get your copy now)

Grab a copy here

Inside, I delve deep into 7 of the biggest constraints
that entrepreneurs struggle with when trying to build
their business.

And I thought each was weighted pretty evenly as far
as how widespread the problem was and how many
people were suffering from it.

But man, I was off base. WAAAAY off base.

Because the more feedback we get, the more I see the
same message over and over again.

" Ouch--constraint #4 made me sit up and take

"I especially liked constraint four and your ideas for
tackling it..."

"When I reached the fourth one, you hit me right
between the eyes..."

So obviously, Constraint #4 is a hot button.

You saw that one too, right?

Grab a copy here

Hopefully, everyone will take my "Silver Bullet"
solution and apply it their business right away.

Because these strategies are not just pie-in-the-sky
baloney. They're solid, proven-to-work methods
for overcoming these constraints--especially #4--
and bumping up your business to an entirely new

And right now, there's a lot of "bumping up" going

Wanna get in on it too?

Grab a copy here

Because it won't cost you a cent. But it could help
make you a whole LOTTA cents, if you know what I

To Higher Profits,


P.S. In just 48 hours, more than 17,000 people
have downloaded this report...

It's the hottest topic of discussion on more
Internet marketing blogs, forums, and social
networks than you can shake a stick at...

The buzz is growing, and it's getting bigger by the

So why not see what all the fuss is about?

After all, it's free and takes only a few seconds to
download. But those few seconds can translate into
a LIFETIME of success.

Beside, I'll bet you struggle with Constraint #4 too.

Go ahead--tell me I'm wrong.

Grab a copy here

World Sports