Saturday, July 11, 2009

Michael Cheney Cashnav

I did something stupid.

Yesterday I emailed you
about this cool way of
making cash (it's like
a Cash Nav system) BUT..

( and it's a big BUT )

The page wasn't ready
when I mailed.


Anyway, it *is* ready now
and you can claim your
$30 off by putting in
the secret code "save30"
near the Add To Cart button..

Go check it out, it's
the *simple way* to get
tons of free traffic
(and therefore cash)..



PS - This is not meant for
public consumption so please
do NOT share this - but when
you enter the special code
"save30" near the Add To Cart
button you will get $30 off:

1 comment:

stacy said...

Thanks for the great article. I needed help with getting together my smart homes technology and I found many great resources on the web.

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