Heres an extract
Publish Post
Amazing news in this. Read the whole thing:
First off - here's the link to get my free Mass Control
Giveaway offer:
That page goes "live" at 11:00 AM *PACIFIC* time on Friday,
August 15th.
Listen, I'm not going to try to pressure you into accepting a free offer
from me let me just say this.
When Mass Control went on the market, it sold out in a matter of *hours*
and it cost $2,000.00.
The package I'm sending you today is brand new ...and it's free.
...And it's limited.
And what I'm telling you is this - if my expensive stuff sells out
in a matter of hours, then it only makes sense that my free stuff
will sell out even faster.
So go here at 11:00 AM and get your copy before someone
takes it out from under you:
Bob Serling is giving away one of his most popular products
ever to EVERYONE who takes me up on tomorrow's blatant
It's called "The Fast Track Licensing Kit" and it's
not available anywhere else any price.
Bob created this to give people the fastest way possible to start
cashing in with licensing - and a ton of people are using these
strategies to make serious money right now, even while the economy
is tanking.
Here's what you'll get in the Kit:
"The Fast Track Guide to High-Profit Licensing Deals".
This manual gives you everything you'll need to quickly and
easily start closing five and six figure licensing deals.
It features six complete chapters from Bob's full
Million Dollar Licensing program - and it's the fasted way
possible to cash in on licensing.
You also get The Fast Track Q&A Session. This is a
transcription of a live Question & Answer session Bob did
with 100 people on the line.
Practically every question you can think of on licensing is
answered here. The questions people asked were excellent and
many students say this session alone was responsible for helping
them "turn the corner" and close their first deal.
And you also get a special interview Bob did with publicity/marketing
expert Paul Hartunian. Paul reveals how he's used the strategy of
Product Customization to quickly turn a single idea into 60 products
-all very similar and all excellent sellers.
And he shows you step-by-step how you can do this with any
product or service.
Plus there's a one hour, no holds barred interview Bob did
with Eric Rockefeller. Erock grilled him on licensing and added
many valuable insights of his own.
This interview has NEVER been released, so you'll be among the
first to benefit from this powerful material.
The ONLY way to get The Fast Track Licensing
Kit is to sign up for my offer here:
Talk soon,
P.S. As you know, everyone and their brother is promoting this.
Look. It's a free offer and I only have a limited quantity available
because this is a test.
I'm actually losing money on the front end ...and I'll only
turn a profit if people stay on as subscribers to my Mass Control
Monthly program.
...So naturally, I'm not going to give away a zillion copies.
If you want to take advantage of this RARE opportunity
to get my information without spending thousands, go here
at 11;30 AM Pacific time on the 15th (Friday).
7660 Fay Ave H #307
La Jolla, CA 92037
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